User research & strategy

User research packages available

Our user research and strategy packages come in a variety of sizes and costs to suit your requirements and budget.

Your customers are the beating heart of your business. It’s integral to understand your audience and their needs. We do this before we go anywhere near the drawing board to create your vision.

We then build upon our user research to create, plan and strategise your new digital product ensuring its longevity and adoption by your target audience. These are the building blocks for your success today and in the future.

What is user research & strategy? 

User research & strategy is the foundation of the user experience design process. We strategise an approach to your product and or service to help us understand your business goals and match these with your users needs. Needs discovered through user research, alongside other insightful data points such as user goals, considerations, frustrations, behaviours and backgrounds.

We feed the findings from the research phase back into the strategy to create documentation such as personas and customer journey maps. This documentation will align multiple teams within your business including marketing, sales and product to start making user centred decisions.

How will user research & strategy benefit my business?

On average, every $1 invested in UX brings a return of $100. An ROI of 9,900%*.

Employing user research before designing or developing a new product or service reduces the risk of creating the wrong solution. Budget spent on research to inform a product strategy and user centred design process will be less than the cost of fixing avoidable flaws, loss of users and spending to obtain new ones.


Our user research & strategy services

  • User survey

    Find insights from a large sample of your audience without the time expenditure needed to host 1-to-1 interviews.

  • User behaviour observations

    Observe the behaviour of your users on your platform through software that records visitors in real time.

  • User interviews

    Hearing directly from your customers is the best way to really understand your impact or where you are falling short of the target.

  • Usability testing

    Identify key problems with your user journeys and functionality through the experience of your users with a set of tasks and direct feedback.

  • Playback & strategy workshop

    Build empathy for your users with an interactive workshop for you and your team to discover the findings of the research.

  • Personas

    Using the data found in the research we can create user personas to help guide your team's decision making.

“Working with Hancock and Rowe has aligned the team with a user-first approach to our new homecare and franchise websites. Through the research undertaken, we were able to strategically plan our digital touchpoints, and the information our users need and achieve simplified user journeys for all audiences.”

Sarah Howes, Head of Marketing, GoodOaks

Ready to get started but not sure how? 

We understand every project has specific needs. Our user research and strategy packages come in a variety of sizes and costs to suit your requirements and budget.

Find out how our bronze, silver or gold packages can help you.

More of what we do

  • UX & UI design

    Our user centred approach to design means that all design decisions are based around the needs of your customers to increase user engagement, retention and satisfaction.

  • Usability testing

    Save budget, time and frustration by testing current and new solutions before any new development budget is spent on the wrong solutions.

  • Website & app development

    Our user experience expertise continues through 
to the development process to make sure that products are developed to be super fast, pixel perfect, and launched with confidence from day 1.